Monday 3 November 2008

Trying to catch up .... some awards coming up

Hi there to you all in blogland. I hope you have had a good start to your week. I am starting with a cold and feel a bit yuck!! Starting to look ever so attractive with my Rudolph like nose - maybe it will inspire me to get a few more christmas cards done!!!!
I have be given a few awards so I am going to be a good girl and try to catch up .... sorry it has taken me so long.
The lovely Emma , who is a gorgeous person :o), nominated me for this award. Thankyou so much hun, you have made my sniffles just a little bit better, thankyou for thinking of me. Please all pop over to her blog for a look at her beautiful work. I have been given this award before so I will nominate it to all my followers and people who leave me such nice comments - I truly appreciate each and every one.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Congratulations your blog IS fantastic.



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