Sunday 26 August 2018

Simon Says stamp september card kit–sea treasure unboxing video

I am so excited today because I got to open the brand new kit from Simon Says Stamp and it is beauuuuuuutiful!!!

If you love mermaids (and who doesn’t) you are going to love it so much. There are so many fantastic products in the kit and I cannot wait to start using it.

I have filmed a video of me opening my kit and showing each item so that you can see everything that is included. The kit costs $34.99 and Simon Says Stamp ship internationally so you can all enjoy it.

If you enjoy seeing videos of products please let me know or if you would like to see anything else again let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will be back soon with a card from this stunning kit xx

Thursday 23 August 2018

It’s almost time ……

The time is almost here for me to make my first card in years!! My craft room is almost ready and I have started to spring clean my blog in anticipation. I feel so excited to be surrounded by my craft supplies and feel so happy to be back blogging.

Marcea's Crafting Corner (4)

It has been a stressful few weeks. My husband was involved in a serious car accident at work and we have a long way ahead of us to get him fit and well but we have each other and I am so thankful for that.

I will tell you more about it another time but I really just wanted to say I am back!!!

See you all very soon with a creation or two.

I have several social media accounts so feel free to follow me on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

Hope to see you all very soon xxx

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Simon Says Stamp August Card Kit–Mandy’s Flowers

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today I am so excited to be sharing with you this wonderful card kit from Simon Says Stamp. This kit is called Mandy’s Flowers and it contains everything you need to create lots of beautiful cards.

Simon Says Stamp Card Kit of The Month AUGUST 2018 MANDY'S FLOWERS ck0818 zoom image

This is perfect for established crafters and absolute beginners. It has so many beautiful elements within it.

For those of you who do not know you can either sign up for a monthly kit to be sent out each month or you can purchase it as a one off purchase. Full details about the kits can be found here with Q&A’s here.

You can also purchase previous months kits here if you want them all!

The August kit includes …

Normally I would have included some cards that I had made using the kit however last week my husband was involved in a serious car accident at work. Thankfully he is doing well and I am so grateful to still have him by my side. Obviously my priority is looking after him right now however I shall be making some cards just as soon as I possibly can.

I have set up a new instagram account just for my creations and I would love for you to follow me there …. I will be updating that a lot about individual items as I use them along with any creations that I make. My user name is marceascraftingcorner.

I also have a YouTube channel and I will be sharing crafting videos, unboxings etc on there too so please do pop over to . My channel has a bit of everything on there from beauty, lifestyle, vlogs, diets etc but I will be sharing the fabulous contents on this kit on there just as soon as I can so that you can all have a more detailed look.

Thankyou all so much for joining me today and I really cannot wait to be sharing my creations with you. I absolutely adore this kit so much and I cannot wait to use it.

Take care xxx

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